Virginia HOSA Event Calendar

Virginia HOSA Chapter Directory

Virginia HOSA is sectioned into 8 Regions. The regions of Virginia HOSA were developed to align with the Virginia Department of Education Superintendent's Regions. Click on the regional pin map below to locate your HOSA Chapter and Region.

The regions were developed based on proximity and situating Virginia HOSA to expand involvement opportunities for HOSA members over the next few years.

Region 1 - Central Virginia

Region 2 - Tidewater & Eastern Shore

Region 3 - Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula

Region 4 - Northern Virginia

Region 5 - Blue Ridge and Valley

Region 6 - Western Virginia

Region 7 - Southwest

Region 8 - Southside

  Region 1  

  Richmond & Surrounding Areas  

Ace Center @ Hermitage (SS) - 24028

ACE Center @ Hermitage Nursing (SS)-24244

ACE Center @ Hermitage Tech EMT (SS)-24029

ACE Highland Springs  (SS)-24126

Chesterfield Technical Center (SS)-24168

Chesterfield Technical Center (SS)-24194

Chesterfield Technical Center - Dental (SS)-24204

Chesterfield Technical Center - Medical Assisting (SS)-24206

Chesterfield Technical Center - Medical Assisting (SS)-24273

Chesterfield Technical Center - Nurse Aide (SS)-24061

Chesterfield Technical Center - Pharmacy Tech (SS)-24205

Halifax County High School (SS)-24052

Henrico High School (SS)-24303

Mills E Godwin High School (SS)-24111

Powhatan High School (SS)-24017

Randolph Henry HS (SS)-24237

  Region 2  

  Tidewater/Western Tidewater/Eastern Shore  

Bayside High School (SS)-24081

Bayside High School Health Science Academy (SS)-24285

Chesapeake Career Center (PS/C)-24025

New Horizons (SS)-24116

New Horizons - Regional Education Center (SS)-24084

New Horizons - Woodside - Pharmacy Tech (SS)-24269

Virginia Beach Career and Tech Center (SS PS/C)-24042

Warwick High School (SS)-24236

William and Mary  (PS/C)-24319

  Region 3  

  Upper Eastern Area  

Brooke Point High School (SS)-24104

Northern Neck Technical Center (SS)-24079

  Region 4  

  Northern Virginia  

Academies Of Loudoun (SS)-24222

Battlefield High School (SS)-24091

Blue Ridge Technical Center (SS)-24212

Culpeper Technical Education Center (SS)-24317

Falls Church Academy (SS)-24003

James Wood High School (SS)-24227

Liberty High School (SS)-24145

Millbrook High School (SS)-24062

Thomas Jefferson High School (SS)-24304

  Region 5  

  Piedmont & Blue Ridge Area  

 Greene County Tech. Ed. Center (SS)-24129

Harrisonburg High School (SS)-24068

Heritage High School (SS)-24100

Rockbridge Co. High School (SS)-24162

  Region 6  

  Roanoke & Surrounding Areas  

Bassett High School (SS)-24214

Botetourt Technical Education Center (SS)-24107

Christiansburg High School (SS)-24026

Franklin County High School (SS)-24060

George Washington High School - Dental Careers (SS)-24170

George Washington High School - Nurse Aide (SS)-24238

Jackson River Technical Center (SS)-24005

Martinsville High School (SS)-24124

Patrick County High School (SS)-24166

Pittsylvania County Career Tech Center (SS)-24172

  Region 7  

  Southwest Virginia  

Giles Co. Technology Center (SS)-24044

Giles County Tech Center (PS/C)-24070

Tazewell County Career & Technical Center (SS)-24322

  Region 8  

  South Central Virginia  

Amelia Nottoway Voc. Center (SS)-24023

Buckingham CTE Center (SS)-24137

Brunswick Senior High School (SS)-24167

  Virginia HOSA - Future Health Professionals  

  Richmond, Virginia  

Virginia HOSA Chapter Development Resources

HOSA - Future Health Professionals Resources

Video Library - Experience previous conferences, chapter resource videos, and testimonials from HOSA members around the globe.

Publications - Explore all HOSA publications for all member types. Here, you will find the HOSA E-magazine, HOSA Bylaws, HOSA Inc. Bylaws, Policy and Procedures, Middle School Handbook, International Chapter Handbook, New Local Advisor Handbook, Postsecondary/Collegiate Handbook, State Advisor Mentoring Guide, and Materials for Starting a Postsecondary/Collegiate Chapter. 

HOSA Brand Guide - Learn about HOSA's branding, style guide, font and color usage, as well as this year's theme logo.

Health-related Internships - HOSA-FHP partners with many organizations to offer specialized internships across the nation and global experiences for HOSA members.

Start a New Virginia HOSA Chapter!

Bring HOSA to your campus today!

What is HOSA?

HOSA is an international student organization with the two-fold mission to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health science, instructors and students, to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.

HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs and have interests in pursuing careers in health professions. HOSA is 100% health care!


If you are a health science teacher, then you may know HOSA is the world's largest high school health science student organization that places an emphasis on hands-on career and technical training. The classic curriculum taught in health-related classes works in conjunction from HOSA's own curriculum to provide your students with training in technical skills and leadership abilities. With a projected doctor shortage of 120,000 providers by 2030, HOSA is on a mission to bridge the gap, and train the next generation of health leaders!


In order to have a HOSA Chapter, a program must meet the following requirements:

1.   CTE Program Requirement

     Middle School - Must feed into a high school that has a Health and Medical Sciences CTE Program.

     Secondary (High School) - Must have an approved Health and Medical Sciences CTE Program.

     Post-Secondary/Collegiate - Must have a health and medical sciences pathway or major.

2.   The program has at least 5 HOSA members and 1 advisor (teacher)

3.   The chapter must be approved by the school administration

Chapter Sign-up Form

If you are interested in starting a HOSA chapter and meet the requirements listed above, please fill out the New Chapter Request Form below.